my doodle from dump 74

los dibujos de esta ocasión son

1. rokkori jugando con su mhds

2. una manito jugando con spimon

3. furnashi diciendole a akuro en frances que no es una chica es una gata

como en esta ecena de pucca

4. rousy la protagonista mi futuro fanmade show rousy hotel que trata de que ella hereda de su abuelita un hotel pero devido a las deudas atrasadas de su abuela el hotel perdio su brillo sin embargo con ayuda de sus amigos lograran crear el hotel perfecto para mascotas.


the drawings of this occasion are

1. rokkori playing with her mhds

2. a little hand playing with spimon

3. furnashi telling akuro in french that she is not a girl she is a cat

as in this scene of pucca

4. rousy the protagonist my future fanmade show rousy hotel that is about her inheriting a hotel from her grandmother but due to her grandmother's overdue debts the hotel lost its shine, however with the help of her friends they managed to create the perfect hotel for pets.

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